Jumat, 06 November 2009

Birth Rates in Indonesia

Birth Rates in Indonesia

Thesis Statement: Birth rates can be minimilized in two ways id est forming new regulation in marriage and doing family planning program seriously.

Population is very important to raise income of a country. Indonesia is one of the largest population in all over the world. But this much population does not followed by citizen creativity to create an inovation which can raise economy income. Because of that, this population must be decreased slowly. Birth rates minimilizing, is one of the solution. It can be done in two ways id est forming new regulation in marriage and doing family planning program seriously.

The first way is forming new regulation in marriage. The last regulation about marriage in Indonesia is seventeen years for women and twenty years for men. This regulation makes people disparage wedding ceremony. Many peoples want to do it because his age was fulfill the regulation. Because of that, many teenagers try very hard to get a couple and marriage easily. They think marriage is nice for them. It happen because they only think about sex. This thing will accelerate birth rates without improving human quality because his parents never think about children development.

Doing family planning program seriously, is the next step. During last period, family planning program only done in theoretically. Many citizens still never know exactly what purpose of this program. This happen because government announcement about this program never done directly to citizen, just from television and radio. This not effective, especially for people in village which never follow this family planning program.

In short, birth rates should be minimilized in order that Indonesia can increase it economy. Birth rates can minimilized by two ways id est forming new regulation in marriage and doing family planning program seriously. This thing must be supported and done by all people in Indonesia.

5 komentar:

  1. g' pa2 bacem, yg pntng isinya sngkt, pdt n g' jls bgt....
    mang situ g' prnh bacem ta??????
    pdhl, tiap bkn jrnl fisdas kan bacem jg...
    lai kali klo mw bacem, blh koq...
    asal yg dibacem jgn pnyq... coz pnyq kan dah baceman...
    masa' baceman mw dibacem...

  2. "menurut Undang-Undang Perkawinan No.1 Tahun 1974 minimal usia nikah adalah 16 tahun bagi wanita dan 19 tahun bagi pria."
    bukan pa - pi, 17 dan 20...

    truz.... mau diubah 30-35, g2????? H, H,,,

  3. klo cm diubah sethn tok g' da efekna...
    gmn klo diubah jd 35 sm 40an g2 biar lbh seru.

  4. "But this much population does not followed by citizen creativity to create an inovation which can raise economy income. " (paragraph 1)Is it true ?

    In short, birth rates should be minimilized in order that Indonesia can increase it economy. Birth rates can minimilized by two ways id est forming new regulation in marriage and doing family planning program seriously. This thing must be supported and done by all people in Indonesia.(paragraph 4 ).
    I think your essay look perfect if the arrangement of paragraph same with the other.
